Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral or other parts of the spine is something that more than 90% of people will have to face. In this disease, the intervertebral discs receive most of the stroke. They collapse, going beyond the space allotted to them. This leads to pain as the deformed disc begins to compress the nerves.
Speaking not in scientific terms, osteochondrosis is spinal consumption. In modern life, there is a different load on different parts of the spine. Therefore, something is consumed quickly (in -30-40 years), something slowly (in 50-70 years).
With sedentary work, osteochondrosis most often affects the lumbosacral region. It's about him and his treatment which we will talk about in this article.
Why is osteochondrosis inevitable?
The spine is structured in such a way that it can withstand large loads. But because of standing, he works non-stop all day. Plus, the slope immediately increases the load on a certain part by several times. And if you sit, leaning forward, then the spine is experiencing permanent colossal pressure. And the person does not feel this overload. This is the first reason for the occurrence of osteochondrosis.
The second and most dangerous is a spasm of the back muscles. These muscles are able to stay in a tense state for hours - for example, keep your back straight throughout the day. The hands are not capable of such work. Try to clench your fist firmly for at least 10 minutes, and then remove. You will feel pain. And the back muscles have a different structure - they are tonic. Because of this, this area suffers from spasms. And he himself does not pass.
A person may not feel a deep spasm of the back muscles, but at the same time, foci of overload are created. At these points, the spine is constantly pulling in one direction - down or in a horizontal projection. This causes osteochondrosis or scoliosis.
Osteochondrosis in the lumbosacral region occurs more often than in others. This area, first of all, suffers from overload during sedentary work.

How to be effectively treated at home?
Effective treatment of lumbosacral spine osteochondrosis at home is possible. At the same time, it must be understood that this disease is chronic and it will not be possible to get rid of it completely. But you can remove all the negative symptoms in the form of pain, fatigue and "forget" that this problem exists.
Remember also that before the age of 40, osteochondrosis appears due to lifestyle. And without changing your life, you will need to undergo therapy regularly - once every 2-3 months. The most efficient and cheapest way to do it yourself at home.
Treatment should be based on normalizing muscle function and strengthening them. First you need to remove the spasm (it is the leading cause of osteochondrosis in the chest). To do this, you can use a variety of exercises using an apparatus for complex spine correction.
The device is based on autogravity technology. Its essence lies in the fact that the force of impact is determined by the weight of the person himself. This allows you to exercise safely at home.
Exercises with the apparatus are relatively simple - it is necessary to lie down one by one with each spine in the apparatus and stay still for 3 minutes, trying to relax as much as possible. The whole procedure will take no more than half an hour. It is important to process the entire spine, as only complex therapy can be effective.
The device relieves spasm, improves blood circulation and restores intervertebral discs due to 2 actions:
Activation of proprioceptors. It is the most effective muscle relaxant. Proprioceptors are active at muscle rest and passive at the moment of tension. That is, their forced activation makes the muscle relax.
Muscle and spine extension. The device lifts its back slightly from the floor. This removes strain from the intervertebral discs, allowing them to heal. The distance between the vertebrae increases, the extensions and hernias retract. Also, raising the spine allows you to stretch the muscles, which leads to their relaxation. The device is recommended by fitness trainers, osteopaths, neurologists and chiropractors. Also actively sold in Slovakia, Spain, Mexico, France, USA, Czech Republic.

High quality treatment of lumbosacral spine osteochondrosis is possible!