Osteochondrosis and a disease caused by the destruction of the bone and cartilage of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar of the spine.
In the first place, with the progression of the disease is modified in the Central part of the spinal disc – the so-called core the nucleus pulposus. Because of this, it loses the vertebrae, some of its properties to absorb shock, and a ring fibrous at the periphery of the disk in the form of thinning and cracks.
Further progression osteochondrosis leads to complications of the disease – bulging disc or rupture of the annulus fibrosus intervertebral hernia and as a result. The instability of the spine in the affected area of the causes of pain and limitation of mobility of the head osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, as well as the limitation of the mobility of the trunk in osteochondrosis of the spine thoracic and lumbar.
In 75% of cases, the osteochondrosis and the cause of back pain. The With age, the risk of degeneration of the tissues of the spine significantly increases, therefore, the average symptoms of spine osteoarthritis are observed inhabitant in every second of the planet over the age of 30 years.
The causes of osteochondrosis

Aggravating factors in the development of osteochondrosis is considered to be a back injury or persistent back pain when heavy work or professional physical for employment in conditions of vibration. If you have un lot to make the loading and unloading of work, get the un lift for your car.
At the beginning of the appearance of the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the spine s un development called weak physique, flat feet, or excess weight. There is also a genetic predisposition to the structure of losing the intervertebral discs and abnormal structure of the spine. Adverse in terms of the health of the spine are also intense session of exercises to rape the gym with one of the rules of distribution of the load on the back, sedentary lifestyle and poor Group.
The symptoms of osteochondrosis
The disease is manifested by a series of symptoms typical. For disc degenerative diseases of the spine is characterized by: pain, pain in back, sensation of numbness in the affected area of the spine, reducing range of motion, the object of the extension of pain when lifting weights, sudden movements, straining during coughing or sneezing.
Chronic pain as one of the symptoms of osteochondrosis, to the cause of the fatigue. When it compresses the nerve roots, nightclubs, spine pain can be more intense and acute the un to carry, throw in the nature. Its location in this case is not limited to the region of the back, I felt is in the field of the limbs.
Stage of osteochondrosis
The severity of symptoms of osteochondrosis depends on the stage of the disease. In the first stage of osteochondrosis of the spine the pain and almost not felt, if only mild physical discomfort and endurance poor of the spine to injury. The destruction of the ring fibrous, reducing the size of the cracks vertebral important and the pain of different intensity – a symptom of osteochondrosis of the second stage.
The third stage of the disease is characterized by a significant deformation of the bone and tissues in the vertebral up to the d appearance herniated discs. Symptom of osteochondrosis most severe fourth stage include the bone mass growth, limited mobility, severe pain, and, total or partial, of the paralysis of the limbs caused by compression of the nerve roots.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, leads a often the infringements of blood circulation due to compression of the arteries. This leads to intense headaches, dizziness and fainting. Osteochondrosis of the spine neck and the artery of the syndrome. It is characterized by a ringing sensation in the head, flashing "flies" or colored dots in front of my eyes. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine possible peripheral pain in the shoulders or the arms.
The symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine thoracic
Osteochondrosis of the spine thoracic can increase for destinations in cardiac pathologies. The disease causes the progression of neuralgia intercostal (intercostal compression of piegaro). In osteochondrosis of the spine thoracic produce chest pain and a feeling of "Glue" in the centre of the chest.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region of the spine leads to the development of the following diseases: sciatica, lumbago and the so-called lumbar sciatica.
Sciatica as one of diseases degenerative diseases complications of disk disease of the lumbar spine is characterized by lesions of the sciatic nerve pain in the buttocks, hypotonia (low) the calf and gluteal muscles.
In lumbago symptom of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine acts as a strong pain in the lower back caused by the displacement of the vertebrae or a prolapsed vertebral disc.
Lumbar, sciatica, another complication of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine for herniated discs of the lower part of the spine. And accompanied by a pain in the crease of radiation to the posterior part of the thigh, popliteal fossa, leg and foot.
Diagnosis of osteochondrosis
The un first diagnosis "osteochondrosis" sets the neurologist original work of art from the initial inspection in relation to the complaints of the patient with back pain and limitation of mobility. Stage of osteochondrosis States depending on the degree of deformation of the spine, the posture of the patient and the number of people affected clubs.
All these symptoms of degenerative diseases of the disc of the spine diagnosed with the feeling of the back of the patient. Also The doctor calls attention to the state of muscle tone. As in the majority of cases the disease is accompanied by the for hypertonicity of muscles.
With the help of the tests for the bending of the spine is determined by the amplitude of movements of the patient. Through the use of the x-ray, CT and MRI, the diagnosis was the largest pour in the concrete is defined l and future strategy for the treatment of osteochondrosis.
Treatment of osteochondrosis
In the treatment of applying osteochondrosis conservative and surgical methods. The goal, I eliminate the pain evitar un mayor progression of the spinal deformity.
Surgical treatment of diseases of the disc degenerative diseases of the spine s applies only if the conservative therapy of the disease have been ineffective.
The active step in the application of the conservative methods jade 2 months on average. At the beginning, and it is possible that some short-term pain syndrome, and caused by a reaction to medications, physiotherapy (physical therapy) and physical therapy. Treatment In the conservative of osteochondrosis are also s used massage, chiropractic, extractor fan and reflexology. The effectiveness of treatment of osteochondrosis depends on the consistency of procedures and of the perseverance of the patient in performing the physical therapy complex.
Surgical treatment of osteochondrosis is carried out when the hernia of the intervertebral discs, the age of which does not exceed 6 months. The indication of the operation is a reduce the gap between the fins, vertebrae a 1/3 of their original size and compression of the cord and roots.
Method of the Un is the leader in the surgical treatment of diseases of the disc degenerative diseases of the spine diskectomy, and a say, the removal of the deformed disk. The operation can be minimally invasive, performed with endoscopic instrumentation method microdiscectomy B-Two systems, as well as puncture laser vaporization of the core of the deformed disk.
Original works of art for a surgical treatment osteochondrosis wait rehabilitation period of 6 months. During the patient and sent for a Spa treatment by the un course of physiotherapy, therapy manual, acupuncture, etc.
Treatment of osteoarthritis with medicines
Currently, the degenerative disk disease that is suffering from a large number of people. Many of them without even a guess about your problem. In the meantime, if the weather is not s start of the treatment, there will be complications that will be felt for the rest of my life. Osteochondrosis, as well as many other diseases, "young", and, in large part, affects the quality of life, beating outside of your normal pace.
In our article, we are going to see in the same disease, and also the approach method of medical treatment.
Low back pain and its types
Osteochondrosis and a deformation of the articular cartilage, the bone tissue of the spine and intervertebral discs.
Osteochondrosis of passes:
- lumbar (lumbosacral),
- of neck of womb,
- breast.
Causes of osteoarthritis:
- bipedalism,
- the curvature of the spine,
- injuries of the spine,
- walk plan
- frequent lifting,
- frequent changes of torso
- long stay in awkward positions
- overload of the spine,
- inactivity of the physical and obesity,
- malnutrition
- stress.
The stages of development of osteochondrosis
- Certain Due to changes in the intervertebral disc appears the instability of the vertebrae. The spine, a very prone to injuries.
- Occurs the beginning of the destruction of the ring fibrous of the intervertebral disc. Decreases intervertebral gap.
- There is a break in the ring fibrous. The core of the intervertebral disc nucleus pulposus bulges. Due to the formacio d a herniated disc and caused by the deformation of the spine.
- Occurs pronounced pain syndrome. Because of the formacio d bone growth and ossification ligaments of the spine the movements to be limited.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease

Lumbar (lumbosacral) Department:
- Persistent pain in The back pain.
- Feeling of pain and numbness in the extremities.
- The decrease in the motor activity.
- Increase of pain when performing sudden movements, weight lifting, physical exertion, during sneezing and coughing.
- Pain in the arms and shoulders, the headaches.
- Artery Vertebral syndrome (burning, throbbing headache, dizziness, noise in the head, spots of color "mosques" in front of the eyes).
- Pain in the internal organs, especially in the chest ("count" in the chest) and heart.
The determination of the diagnosis of the disease
S sets The diagnosis on admission by a neurologist based on the patient's complaints (pain, limitation of mobility, etc.). They inspect the spine with the patient standing, sitting and lying (en en rest and movement). In the inspection of the back draws attention to your posture, characteristics of The structure of the body of the corners of the leaves lower, side, the contours of the neck and the waist, the position of the shoulder girdle, etc. then the doctor usually the patient is referred to the two rays x, CT or MRI, I clarifies that produces the diagnosis, and determined by the degree of damage, and identify deviations and hidden from the norm. These data According to the neurologist assigned the appropriate treatment. Typically, this, a un complex therapy, including the use of drugs, massage, physical therapy and other methods.
Treatment of osteoarthritis with medicines
To begin with, it should be noted that in the initial phase of development of osteoarthritis in some cases, a possible to do this sense the drug. It will be enough application of medical gymnastics, various applicators (mountain "Lyapko", in charge Of the massager), as well as to reduce the stress and l d eliminate other causes of the disease. If we are the symptoms gaining strength, and studies the changes have shown the characteristic, you must connect the un drug that can help in the impact on the causes and the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the drugs, are shown in the period of exacerbation and directed to the elimination of the inflammatory process, relief of pain and the strengthening of processes of change due to internal ingestion or administration of drugs by means of injections.
Due to the fact that osteoarthritis and systemic disease which affects different systems and organs and the treatment should be comprehensive. Drugs for the treatment of degenerative disease of the disc perform the following tasks:
- relief of pain,
- the removal of the inflammation,
- improvement of the blood circulation in the affected tissues,
- regeneration of the cartilage tissue,
- return of the mobility of the joints,
- elimination of the depression caused by constant pain.
The symptoms of degenerative disc disease
Affects The disease in different parts of the back. The vertebrae may begin to warp in the neck, the chest or at the waist. Usually manifest these symptoms immediately, lower back pain may some time not be uncomfortable. Slowly the pain, especially in the hours of the night, weakness in the hands and feet, dizziness. However, every appearance of this degenerative disease of the spine own have their own characteristics.
Primers symptoms of this disease cervical osteochondrosis as the following:
- headache, which doesn't help the tablets;
- paralysis of the hands;
- ringing in the ears;
- loss of consciousness;
- hiccups and shortness of breath during the day.
Signs of osteochondrosis of the thoracic are:
- pain in the intercostal region;
- frequent cough;
- feel a knot in the throat;
- cardialgia with high blood pressure;
- as a appendicitis pain.
Lumbar degenerative disc disease has symptoms such as:
- pain in the lower part of the abdomen;
- numbness of the lower extremities;
- "shooting" in the back;
- paralysis of the legs;
- sensation of tingling in the extremities.
These are all signs of osteoarthritis are directly a note to seek medical attention for. And very important, do not ignore pain in the neck, chest, and waist. That can be un symptom of heart lung and disease.