Back pain is one of the most common complaints of diseases of people of working age, old age and old age. The human spine carries almost all of a person’s weight. It consists of 33-34 vertebrae, which are connected by intervertebral discs. Thanks to this connection, the beads can move relative to each other. The sacrum and tail bone are separate parts of the spine. The sacrum is formed by five fused vertebrae, and the coccyx is a rudimentary part of the spine that does not perform a supporting function.
The pain can develop in any or all three parts of the spine. Most often, the pain occurs in the spine of the cervix, chest and back. Pain can be caused by diseases and injuries of the discs (disc lengthening, disc herniation) and intervertebral joints (osteoarthritis of the facial joints) or other conditions. The number of people with back pain has increased dramatically in recent years and decades, making this complaint the most common in the world.
Types of back pain
Acute back pain lasts up to six weeks. If it lasts up to 12 weeks, it is called subacute. Pain that persists after 12 weeks is called chronic pain.
Depending on the definition of certain causes of pain, there are:
- nonspecific back pain;
- specific back pain.
Specific back pain
If the exact cause of the pain is known, it is referred to as specific back pain.
Examples of specific pain include trauma, disc lesions, inflammation of the intervertebral joints (facial osteoarthritis).
Nonspecific back pain
In some cases, back pain is classified as non-specific because it is not possible to determine the exact cause.
Nonspecific back pain can occur with poor posture or lack of physical activity.
Symptoms and complaints
Almost everyone has experienced either a "lumbago" or mild back pain. "Come back again! " - a very common phrase, because the back is under considerable stress every day. Hours spent sitting in the office, diving in front of the computer, lifting and holding heavy objects, or working in the garden in one position: minor back pain is an integral part of daily life.
Back pain should be taken seriously. The reason for going to the doctor should be situations when the pain does not disappear for several days, when certain movements intensify the pain or when the pain radiates to the limb (s), and especially when there is a feeling of numbness.
Shooting pains in the lower extremities are characteristic of compression of the spinal cord or its roots (for example, a disc herniation). The pain inherent in arthritic changes in the intervertebral joints is usually dull and local. The nature and intensity of pain can vary greatly from person to person. Only a doctor can, based on complaints and symptoms, prescribe the necessary examination and treatment appropriate to the situation. Depending on the situation, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises or schedule surgery. With conservative treatment and during the postoperative rehabilitation period, it is very important to do therapeutic exercises regularly because they train the muscles, stabilize the spine and reduce pain.
The most common causes of back pain
The spine is a complex structure made up of vertebrae, intervertebral discs, and ligaments. Pain occurs when the interaction of these structures is disturbed. Typical reasons are:

Stress causes back pain
Mostly sedentary work and lack of physical activity in daily life lead to chronic tension in the back muscles and back pain in the absence of any disease.
The intervertebral discs act as biological shock absorbers and separate the vertebral bodies from each other. With a decrease in the elasticity of the disc, it begins to swell in the lumen of the spinal canal (so-called prolapse) and its height decreases. The latter negatively affects the work of the intervertebral joints, because their biomechanics is disrupted.
If the protruding part of the intervertebral disc presses on the sensitive nerve fibers, then various sensory disturbances may occur in the area of innervation of the compressed nerve: pain, tingling, numbness, crawling, etc. If the motor nerve fibers responsible for muscle work are compressed, then the function of the innervated muscle is disrupted, to the point of paralysis.
Behavioral disorders and severe lifting can lead to disruption of the anatomical relationships of the back structures. In some cases, this leads to the so-called block of the intervertebral joints, usually accompanied by severe pain. When the intervertebral joints are blocked, the back muscles are in a state of painful spasms. Thus, pain occurs not only in the blocked joint, but in the muscles. This dramatically reduces patients' physical activity to the point of inability to walk. When blocking the intervertebral joints, effective spinal stabilization with medial braces helps eliminate muscle spasm, localize pain, and increase motor activity.
As we age, the spine gradually changes its structure, which is described by the general term "degenerative changes". In this case, the word "degenerative" means irreversible changes as a result of aging. Despite the irreversibility of the process, the use of orthoses helps to alleviate and improve the patient's condition.
Degenerative changes in the intervertebral disc imply a violation of its elasticity, a decrease in height and swelling in the lumen of the spinal canal. A decrease in disc height causes increased stress on the intervertebral joints (facet).
The position of the spine, including the lumbar spine, is stabilized by muscle work. The back muscles, abdominal muscles and lateral abdominal wall muscles are involved in maintaining posture. Muscle work makes the load on the intervertebral discs more even and prevents excessive stretching of the tendon-ligament apparatus. Any pain syndrome negatively affects muscle function, which can lead to local hypertension or, conversely, local weakness. As a result, the stabilization of the spine is impaired. This, in turn, provokes an increase in the hypertonicity of some muscles, d. m. th. a vicious pathological circle is formed.
Medical gymnastics helps to break the pathological circle, which allows you to restore the symmetry of trunk muscle tone.
The cause of back pain can be localized not only in the trunk. For example, abnormal walking biomechanics can also cause back pain. This is mainly due to the loss of foot amortization function in case of certain deformities. Another reason may be the change in limb length, exceeding normal values.
The good news: In many cases, the back pain goes away after a few weeks. Nonspecific pain is successfully treated with the help of mobilization techniques (manual therapy) and medication. With such pain, exercise therapy exercises are very effective.
Each of us can reduce strain on the back and prevent pain.

Exercises that are beneficial for the back.
There are strength training exercises that you can easily integrate into your daily routine. This complex was developed together with a specialist in physiotherapy exercises.
- Regular Exercise: Three 45-minute sessions a week will help you improve your well-being, activate your immune system, and help maintain muscle tone. Optimal back sports are swimming and walking.
- Balanced diet: Proper nutrition is the prevention of excess weight, which is an additional burden on the back.
- Lift weights correctly: when lifting weights, you should gather and lift the load by lengthening the legs, not the back muscles.
- Hold weights correctly: keep heavy objects as close to your body as possible. Do not hold heavy objects in one hand.
- Be physically active: Sitting workers should take every opportunity to increase their physical activity, such as walking up stairs, getting up more often during the day, walking on the phone, and walking during lunch.
Ergonomic workplace

Back pain often occurs in the workplace. Prolonged sitting in the wrong position can lead to chronic muscle fatigue and subsequent pain. Also, back pain is often provoked by work accompanied by frequent bending and lifting.
Treatment of back pain
There are many treatments for back pain. First of all, the attending physician chooses between conservative and surgical treatment. The latter is used when conservative treatment is ineffective and in a number of other cases.

Physiotherapy and massage
Correctional gymnastics complexes and special exercises for the back should be performed under the supervision of a doctor or physiotherapy instructor until you master the technique of performing each exercise. Such sets of exercises have been developed to train the strength of the trunk muscles. The doctor chooses the exercises that best suit the patient. Massage and physical therapy may be prescribed to reduce the intensity of the pain.
Medication treatment
Medication therapy is prescribed to reduce pain and inflammation in the acute period. Taking pain relievers helps eliminate the uncomfortable defensive position the patient takes to relieve the pain. Medications should only be taken as directed by your doctor.
Back exercises
Strong trunk muscles protect the spine from unfavorable stress, reduce the likelihood of spasm and pain. To prevent back pain, you need to do regular exercises to train your back muscles. Swimming or walking is also helpful.
The set of exercises combines strength training and stretching exercises and is created for 20 minutes. The optimal frequency of exercises is 2-3 times a week. Important: consult your healthcare professional before exercising.
Orthopedic products for the spine
Medical clamps and backrests are designed to treat muscle pain and spasm. Modern bandages and lanes effectively fight pain and increase physical activity. Depending on the diagnosis, devices with greater or lesser potential are used to stabilize the lumbar spine.
Apparatus and waist corsets with a higher height and more rigid stabilizing elements stabilize and better support the spine in the desired position. The ability to move painlessly and participate in social life eliminates the apparent deception of even the most rigid corsets.
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Companies produce a large number of orthopedic devices for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world notice the high effectiveness of back pain treatment products. At the same time, patients point to the comfort and high durability of the products. Thanks to the special design, all the waist brackets are easy to place. Extra comfort in the sitting position is also provided by a design solution - a special model in the hip fold area.
Stabilization of the lumbar spine with orthopedic medi products is not associated with muscle weakness, much less atrophy. As already mentioned, the ability to move painlessly increases patients' physical activity. In addition, orthopedic support aims to eliminate excessive and / or painful mobility, rather than immobilization, which is the reason for the functional inactivity of the muscles and their weakening.