Now and rarely manifestations of found is surrounded by this widespread of the disease: according to statistics, approximately 60% of the population in the developed countries, in different degrees of destinations suffer from manifestations osteochondrosis. Principles The reasons for this distribution are large, sedentary and work from the lack of motion of the modern man.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine (Osteohondroz) and degenerative diseases of the un-dystrophic lesions intervertebrals the of the clubs, that are themselves damaged discs, vertebrae and joints of the neck of the uterus, the decrease of the height of intervertebral discs. The disease progresses if you let me sense to try and may give rise to headaches, circulatory problems and even hernia. Like the osteoporosis, the disease occurs because of disorders of the metabolism mineral, causing the bones and joints become less strong.
Osteochondrosis can cause instability of the cervical spine (the symptoms and treatment are similar to the chondrosis, but have a number of features), which is often accompanied by displacement of the vertebrae. In turn, this accelerates the development of degenerative disc disease, spinal destruction Department.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: symptoms
In the early stages of the disease almost does not manifest itself by painful symptoms: you may feel discomfort in the neck original work of art of a great physical exertion or prolonged sitting taut in a position original work of art. a sudden movement or tilt of the head.
The main symptoms – headache, dizziness impairment and the coordination of the light of the crisis, in moving the head, weakness, with less observed weakness often of the hands, numbness of the tongue and slurring speech d', difficulty breathing, vision, hearing, sweating, abnormally high blood pressure. Main Areas: the head, the neck, the neck of the area. In the majority of cases, at the same time, there is little of the list of symptoms.
In General, the symptoms of osteoarthritis and not obvious often masks the use of analgesics. This offers a un of its dangers: most of the symptoms and possible other diseases that complicate the diagnosis of cervical degenerative disc disease.
Dizziness Is with the cervical osteochondrosis
This condition does not always indicate degenerative disc clearly disease of the cervical spine.
Dizziness can be the result of:
- the inflammation in the middle or the inner ear;
- spasms of the vessels of the brain;
- violations transmission of nerve impulses;
- problems with the apparatus vestibular com;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system.
There are No clear criteria dizziness osteochondrosis. However, there are systemic and non-systemic dizziness, and they have different kinds of differences.
And advisable to know the differences between systemic and non-systemic dizziness, this will help us determine the causes of the unusual States:
- system vertigo of the sensation to move and the movement of the objects that surround us or the body to be a consequence of the interruption of the apparatus, such as vestibular, visual, receivers, analyzers and in the joints, muscles, and epidermis (low back pain of various etiologies);
- non-systemic dizziness to a feeling of faintness, feeling dazed, not sure of the state in an upright position. When non-systemic dizziness, sensation of a circular rotation of a lack, a and I this difference with respect to the important of the language of signs.
The people who sent the vertigo of the type specified must be inspected by a doctor experienced, especially the un neurologist or (if there is a suspicion on disease of The ear and of the throat) of the un otolaryngologist.
The reason for the urgency of the need for hospitalization not related to degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine, and the identification of the patient (except vertigo) these signs such as:
- the facial paralysis and the lack of sensitivity of the shoulder belt;
- headache in the impairment of the health;
- violation of coordination of movements;
- the loss or extinction of the consciousness.
Headache in cervical osteochondrosis
This is one of the most frequent nonspecific signs of many diseases. Headaches are particularly common in the female population. And difficult to determine the cause of headaches, and, in addition, be associated with injuries of the spine. There are about 14 different reasons for headache in human beings.
The most common causes of headaches with the that is descriu pathology:
- spasms of the vessels of the brain;
- the un pinched nerve roots;
- reflection of the un's increase in intracranial pressure.
Headache in cervical osteochondrosis can remember hypertension a sensation when, angina pectoris or stroke. Especially in the middle-aged and older, tend to have the risks of developing cops or heart attacks.
Feel the pain may be paroxysmal, constant, throbbing, and his partner.
When heart disease, the patients complain of discomfort in the chest, accompanied by a disturbance of the rhythm of the heart. To identify the cause only by a doctor qualified. In the case of headaches combined with nausea, dizziness and chest pain, made sure the ECG.
Pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical area.
Not always the pain is localized in the head and neck. Known several cases of the localization of the pain.
Neck pain can radiate to the shoulder area and in different parts of the hands. Unless The hallmark of these sensations at the sudden work of art original episodes of sleep, sudden movements, invisible to human stress, for example, when laughing or sneezing. The pain associat with degenerative disc disease, if the process has not had un chronic character, usually disappears original work of art of a short period of time and, combined with the crisis of the cervical vertebrae.
Sense previous survey, d should not eliminate the pain through the use of manual therapy (massage). In some cases, inept handling can worsen the disease, disrupt innervation or cause of disability of the patient.
The intensity of the pain may be mild or sharp. For the duration of the short and long-term.
It is seen that the cervical osteochondrosis most often with damage associated with the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae.
There are tests to determine the location of the pain impulse. Defeat in the region of the sixth vertebra is complemented by the fingers pain in the thumb, a submarine in the region of the seventh vertebra is accompanied by pain in the middle finger.
The blood pressure with cervical osteochondrosis
The relationship of cervical degenerative disc irregular disease of the blood pressure has been established. The cervical vertebrae prominent are the nerve endings and the blood vessels.
Characteristic pressure changes during the day. Arterial hypertension for a long time not typical for this disease. Reflex irritation of the nerve endings and in the short-term spasms of the blood vessels cause un strong diurnal dynamics of arterial hypertension.
A distinctive feature of the Un and increase the pressure on the cervical osteochondrosis and a combination of the following symptoms:
- headache;
- pain in the limbs and the chest;
- the reduction of the sensitivity of the cervical area;
- the appearance of peaks of pressure stress work of original art, muscle tension, prolonged stay in an awkward position and other similar situations.
The peaks of HELL and the rapid deterioration of the health are the base to seek medical assistance urgently.
The stage of development of osteochondrosis
In the development of cervical degenerative disc disease, was the right to decide to allocate 4 stages. But this site of the un conditional division, as most of the symptoms of the disease may originate occur in other diseases.
The first stage (pre-clinical)
In stages symptoms the initials are often mild and s attributed to stress or other diseases. That be bad sent a stiff neck, pain at sharp movements, or s bend. In this phase, possible get rid of the nascent degenerative disk disease using therapeutic exercise or simply moving more, in order to adjust the power.
The second stage
The pain amplified and become permanent, during the riots of pending or acute are already strong. Appear severe headaches, the patient begins to tire, become distracted, periodically numb areas of the face.
The third stage
The herniated disc often causes dizziness, weakness of the hands, seen the pain in the neck and hands, he felt always in the shoulders.
The fourth stage
At the end intervertebral discs are destroyed, they are replaced by connective tissue. Zaselyalsya piegaro, which leads to difficulty in movement, pain, the increase of vertigo, there are un noise in the ears.
Causes and risk factors
Interestingly, the possibility of developing osteoarthritis in humans and due to their advantages in the development of the upright posture: vertebrae press against each other, and with age the connective tissue degrades. As a consequence, the ages and almost inevitable process. But there are many factors that contribute to earlier and more intense development of osteochondrosis:
- In the first place, and I sedentary of the un sedentary lifestyle, often observed in the modern life (office workers, drivers and other sedentary profession, TV, long hours on the computer), lack of physical activity
- Charm, unnatural positions in the process: for example, for a un computer frequently s person leans forward, adopting a posture tense
- The opposite of the reason too high for this person's unusual for the burden, but a risk even trained athletes, for example, of weightlifters;
- Any reason that violates the natural posture of man: uncomfortable shoes, especially high heels, poor posture when gone to sleep, flat feet, arthritis, scoliosis;
- Excess weight, often caused by malnutrition
- Frequent stress, severe stress, fatigue constant
- Local hypothermia
As dangerous and cervical osteochondrosis
In the neck there are many vital blood vessels, the arteries, the capillaries and, therefore, of any infringement hi you can have male consequences, including hypoxia, hypertension, vascular dystonia.

Cervical degenerative disc disease that affects the spinal segments controlling the operation of the shoulder and elbow joints of the thyroid, hands and other organs. In osteochondrosis, if it is not treated, the probability pinched piegaro, compressed blood vessels, which inevitably affects the work of other including.
How to treat cervical osteochondrosis
Real, stable success in the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease can only be achieved through an integrated approach that includes drugs, neck massage, gymnastics therapy, physiotherapy. Very advanced cases may require surgical intervention.
We recommend not to resort to self-treatment, mainly due to the fact that the symptoms of low back pain can mean the un completely different from the disease: moreover, that your chosen drug will not help in the treatment, although it can cause damage.
Withdrawal of acute pain
Osteochondrosis, especially in the later stages, accompanied by a pain of intense, so that the first task of the doctor and to relieve their suffering. Are prescribed pain killers, anti-inflammatory, vitamins, chondroprotectors to restore cartilage tissue, medicines to improve blood circulation and reduce spasm of muscles.
Therapeutic exercises with cervical osteochondrosis
The easiest and available, including house method – physiotherapy. Although it is also very you, a, because it strengthens the neck muscles and restores blood circulation in damaged areas, compensate for the lack of movement in everyday life. Physical therapy can be supplemented with swimming, water aerobics.
The physiotherapy and the more easy and affordable form of treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease and, at the same time, very sure. Treatment exercise you can do at home. In osteochondrosis of the intensity of the formacio and not critical, only the frequency. In the first place, the physical education is designed to strengthen the neck muscles that make up for the lack of functionality of the spine and help support the weakened vertebrae.

Strengthen the muscles of the neck, are recommended activities of daily living. It can be very simple, composed of rotations and s tilt the head in different directions, and the more complex, even using the neck muscles of the hands. You can make as much as a house to work. For example, if the work and sedentary, and useful for making these original works of art of exercises in an hour of sitting at a table or a monitor.
Physical therapy
Correct and consistent use of physical therapy techniques improve blood circulation in damaged areas, the reduction of the inflammation and the pain, the process of slowing ossification.
Osteochondrosis of the neck of the uterus by means of electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, laser therapy wave therapy shock medical baths and showers, mud therapy and other methods.
Massage with cervical osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
Osteochondrosis massage can be you much: the circulation improving the blood, reduces spasms by reducing muscle mass, relieves pain, symptoms and improving the General condition of the patient.
But massage and therapy manual must be applied with caution to an extreme, as inept and rude impact on patients areas of the body can only do harm.
Surgical treatment
Very advanced cases is not excluded even surgery: narrowing of the spinal column, intervertebral discs herniation, spondylolisthesis one.
The decision on the need for and the method of surgery and taken to the part of the surgeon, are determined by the preparation of operations, the duration of the postoperative period and rehabilitation.